Thermopylae Tour

Price: € 280 (duration: 7 hours)

Your personal driver will pick you up from your accommodation the time of your preference for this trip to Thermopylae, the place where the historic battle took place.


A memorial to the great King Leonidas of Sparta who stood with his 300 man against the thousands of men of the Persian’s King Xerxes army and is located at the center of the pass, where the final phase of the battle took place, as is attested by the accumulation at the foot of the hill of iron and bronze spearheads.


A spear-shaped building with rooms where visitors get an introduction of what they can do in this area in the first room called Leonidas, wear special glasses and be part of the battle in the second room called Diinekis and navigate themselves into the history of the battle, armory and movements of armies in the third called Thermopylae.


A symbolic statue of a winged young man next to the statue of Leonidas and his fellow warriors in Thermopylae, representing the sacrifice of the 700 Thespians that stood out of

their goodwill to Leonidas saying that they would never abandon him and his men., falling on the battlefield defending the straits of Thermopylae.


The hill is known as the site of the final fall of 300 Spartans during the Battle of

Thermopylae in 480 BC. In 1939, Spyridon Marinatos, a Greek archaeologist, found a large number of Persian arrows around the hill, which changed the currently accepted identification of the site where the Greeks fell killed by Persian arrows.


According to Mythology, the goddess Athena asked Hephaestus to create this thermal baths of the Thermopylae for Hercules so he could bathe there and recover his strength after his labors, Thermal springs are generally dedicated to Hercules because they strengthened the body and he was a representative of strength.


A women monasrery built between 13th and 15th century which took its name either from the city of Damascus where the holy icon of Virgin Mary came from or from the Greek word “damazo” which means tame, because it is said that the holy icon tames human pain and Diseases.